I clienti di BT sono inglesi, mica fessi

di | Novembre 3, 2007

Ci sono utenti di BT particolarmente amareggiati.
In questo caso Boing Boing ci fa la cronistoria di un ritardo nell’installazione di una linea dati a Londra, a cui ha fatto seguito un call center di persone incompetenti.

Pensate che proprio ieri ho scovato sul tubo, una bellissima telefonata di un utente inglese, piuttosto alterato per essere stato disturbato dal call center di BT.

Assolutamente da non perdere QUESTO video.

Via Boing Boing
There appear to be at least three departments at BT that aren’t talking to each other (or themselves) and between them all, I’ve been put through a meat-grinder. First, there’s the billing department, who seem to call me every other day to tell me that I need to put a deposit down before my line can be installed, and then, when I remind them that I’ve provided them with a credit card on three separate occasions, promise to call me back (and never do).

Then there are the schedulers, who keep calling to confirm a November 1 installation date, and every time I say, “No, we agreed that you’d install on November 6th — that’s why I cancelled a flight and a day’s worth of meetings to be home for you.” Why, just Wednesday a BT rep assured me that the installation would be on the sixth, not the first.

Now it seems like I’m going to get installation sometime before the end of the month. Maybe. Who knows? At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if BT’s next step was to burn my house down and dance in the ashes.