Bankitalia contro la rete unica

di | Ottobre 6, 2020

La notizia di oggi è che il Sole 24 ore ha pescato un documento di BANKITALIA a favore della concorrenza infrastrutturale (quindi contro la rete unica) datato luglio 2020, freschissimo ma “vecchio”. Vi raccomando la lettura perchè nelle pieghe c’è sempre qualcosa di utile

a pagina 18 dello studio di Bankitalia leggiamo il passaggio piu’ interessante che riguarda la competizione infrastrutturale in Italia:

(…) Nevertheless, we have seen in the previous sections that timing matters and that static and dynamic efficiency are not easy to reconcile. A single network is the first best option when it is in place or, paradoxically, when nothing is in place. This is not the case in the Italian telecommunications set-up. We have Telecom Italia’s network where the mixed copper-fibre technology prevails, but FTTH is also increasing, and the Open Fiber’s
last generation pure fibre network, which is non-comparable in terms of extension and readiness, but could potentially perform much better.
In fact, we are not moving along a given technology diffusion curve; rather, the curve has been shifting with the technological upgrade from x-DSL to fibre (see Figure 7). In this scenario, infrastructural competition can be an advantage, as the incumbent is recovering investment costs, particularly in the ‘grey areas’ where private investment can be profitable for at most one operator. It is probably part of a pre-emptive strategy, but it could accelerate a better coverage of the country with NGAN.
The investment of Flash Fiber and the private-public partnership TIM-Infratel
provide two examples of positive outcomes from infrastructure competition. Flash Fiber, a wholesale only operator, is a joint venture between TIM (80 per cent) and Fastweb (20 per cent) created in 2016 to promote the construction of an ultrafast broadband infrastructure using FTTH technology in 29 Italian major towns and cities. Flash Fiber’s business plan, with an overall investment of €1.2 billion, envisages the connection of around 3 million households by 2020. Moreover, in July 2019, Infratel and TIM signed an
agreement aimed at activating all the fibre-optic public network infrastructures. Infratel has built in 600 municipalities spread over eight regions17 as part of its direct model. At the beginning of April, Infratel and TIM announced that the network had been completed in 241 municipalities and they set a target of 310 municipalities by the end of May